As we close in on the holiest week of the year, our faith community is yet again worshipping in ways unlike any year in the past. But in spite of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Mount Calvary Lutheran Church is endeavoring to offer a variety of worship opportunities to ensure that all who desire to worship can do so safely. Check below for the schedule of services for Palm Sunday through Easter:
Maundy Thursday – April 1 – Traditional service at 7pm in the sanctuary commemorating the last supper.
Good Friday – April 2 – Outdoor “drive-in” service at 3pm, and a traditional indoor service in the sanctuary at 7pm.
Easter Weekend – April 3 & 4 – Saturday evening services indoors in the sanctuary at 5:30pm & 7:15pm. Sunday morning indoor services at 7am, 8:45am, and 10:45am. Outdoor “drive-in” service at 9:30am.
UPDATE: Broadcasted and streamed services will be both services on Good Friday and also the drive in service at 9:30 AM Easter Sunday. Please do not park in the back of the church on Easter Sunday unless you are planning to attend the 9:30 AM drive in service.
Notes about Indoor worship: Social distancing precautions will be observed for the health and safety of all: masks are required as well as 6ft spacing between household groups. Ushers will assist in seating to optimize capacity while keeping safe distancing. All worship liturgy will be displayed on the sanctuary’s video monitors. BRING YOUR OWN BREAD (bread, crackers, etc.) for the celebration of Holy Communion.
Notes about Drive-In Worship: Drive-in services will be held in the rear parking lot of the church closest to Frances Street and broadcast on 88.3FM. There is no need to leave your vehicle. Plan to visit: https://www.mt-calvarylutheran.org/bulletins/ ahead of time to download a bulletin with scripture, hymn lyrics and other liturgy to participate. BRING YOUR OWN BREAD (bread, crackers, etc.) for the celebration of Holy Communion.