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This year for Holy Week, our youth ministry program is offering “Holy Week in a Box” a hands-on activity kit to lead you and your family from Palm Sunday through Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter! With interactive scripture reading and prayer activities, it’s a great way to gather with your family for these holiest of days.

The boxes are available NOW, with the first activity corresponding to Palm Sunday on March 28. You can pick one up before or after worship in the Narthex. Please sign your name if you take one so that we know who has or hasn’t received them.

All families who received the 2020 Advent boxes are on the list to receive “Holy Week in a Box.” If you’d like to be removed from the list, or plan to pick one up rather than have it mailed, please contact Pastor Jono in the church office or at or fill out the form at:

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