Got Questions? Try Alpha!
Alpha is an 11 week course that’s been developed to help you build a closer relationship with our savior. Each session focuses on a different question centered around faith. There’s no studying and no homework, it’s even okay if you miss a week, it’s as simple as dinner and a movie!
Each week we’ll gather for a meal, watch a video, and then break into small groups to discuss that week’s video.
Alpha at Mount Calvary begins Tuesday, February 21st at 6:00pm and continues each week after that. It’s open to EVERYONE, and especially designed for folks who aren’t as comfortable with their faith, so invite a friend, even if they don’t belong to a church.
For more information, contact us at: alpha@mt-calvarylutheran.org, or register online in a minute or less by completing the registration form at: https://forms.gle/A9r2y8z34JNyv69j8