Meetings & Events:
Oct 5-Blessing of Pets 6:00
Oct 6-Evangelism Committee
Oct 8-Clothing Sale 9-1
Oct 12-Bible Study on Psalms
Oct 11-Property Committee 6:00
Oct 17-WELCA Meeting 6:00
Oct 18-Church Council Meeting
Oct 20-Youth and Family Ministry
Oct 23-Family Trip to Weakland Farms 1 pm
Oct 26-Bible Study on Psalms
Oct 27-Stewardship and Administration
Meetings are held at 6:30pm unless noted.
Join Us and Get Involved:
Our Giving Tree –September and October donations will benefit Hozanna House Project, a mission working to clean, repair and paint local houses. Monetary donations are needed.
Social Ministries–Please gather your gently used clothing for our Oct. 8 clothing sale. Backyard Ministries has placed ziplock bags in the Narthex, labeled by gender and age. We are collecting gloves and hats until October 31. For those not wanting to shop, monetary donations can be put in the bags and we’ll purchase the appropriate attire. Thank you!
Evangelism-You can identify visitors if you see Pastor hand a purple “welcome” bag to anyone during the weekend service “sign of peace.” Please make extra efforts to say hello to those people and make them feel welcome. Invite them back again!
Of Interest to Women –Don’t forget to buy your Boscov’s 25% discount card from WELCA after services. Spirit Sale is going on. Shop on-line with F/X Screen Printing and select your Mt. Calvary shirts, sweatshirts in various colors and sizes. Deadline is Oct. 31. All items will be delivered to the church. Link can be found: https://mtcalvarylutheranchurch.itemorder.com
Basket Party Crew— Thanks to everyone who helped, donated beautiful baskets or baked treats for the basket party and bake sale. We made $3417 on the baskets and $519 on the bake sale! A huge success because of you!
Youth/Family Ministry-Pastor Jonathan will hold a pet blessing in the pre-school yard on October 5 at 6 PM. RVSP for the trip to Weakland Farms Oct. 23 at 1 PM. Lunch and snacks will be served and then carpool to the Portage farm for a corn maze, pumpkin patch and fall fun for all ages! RSVP to Pastor Jono.
Church Council— Mutual Ministry will vet and select 3 individuals to serve on Church Council in 2023. Final design and cost for our electronic sign is being decided upon. Church birthday and anniversary records are missing lots of information. Terri or volunteers in the office may be calling you to collect accurate information. Please help us out, and supply missing dates you may have. Finally, never hesitate to contact the church if you, or a loved one needs a home or hospital visit from Pastor.