This summer, Pastor Jono Adams invites you to adopt Flat Jesus and take him on your summer adventures! Watch the video below for an introduction from Pastor Jono!
“Flat Jesus” was inspired by a children’s book by Jeff Brown called, “Flat Stanley.” In the book, a boy named Stanley becomes flattened and is able to be mailed to different places, having all kinds of exciting adventures.
“Flat Jesus” is a way to keep our church family connected as we enter into the summer traveling season. Bring home a “Flat Jesus” and take him with you as you travel…or to whatever you do this summer. Take a picture of him doing lots of different things: going out to dinner, having fun at the beach or the mountains, hanging out with friends or cousins, or whatever you are doing! It will be an amazing adventure! It is a great way to remember that Jesus is always with us, wherever we go. And it just might start up a conversation with someone about what you are doing…and why!
When you have taken photos of “Flat Jesus,” you can share your “Flat Jesus” pictures:
- By emailing photos to RevJonoAdams@gmail.com or texting them to 412-817-6704.
- By uploading your picture directly to Facebook. Tag Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church of Johnstown, PA. Add the hashtag #flatJesus and/or #jesusisonthemove
It will be so exciting to see where Jesus is on the move this summer as you share your adventures! And remember, Jesus is with you ALWAYS!
We’d LOVE to see at least one “Flat Jesus” photo from every family in church. And if we get enough, we’ll combine them into a video at the end of the summer!
If you won’t make it to church to pick up a printed Flat Jesus, but still want to participate, you can download and print your own by clicking here.