Mount Calvary will be hosting a “pet blessing” service on Wednesday, October 5th at 6pm.
Join us as we celebrate the blessing that our pets are to us by giving THEM a blessing! All well-behaved furry, fuzzy, feathery friends are welcome! We simply ask that all animals are appropriately “contained” via leash, carrier, etc. We’ll have a short group prayer and devotion before Pastor Jonathan Adams takes time to offer individual blessings for each animal. All dogs and cats will go home with a “treat bag.”
A free-will offering of cash and/or pet supplies will be donated to the Humane Society of Cambria County. For more information about what is most in need at this time, visit the humane society’s wish list at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i63qKTK3jL8QdkGAe2YzqHqgf4s3VxiLpx9raqfmKWw/edit