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Mount Calvary’s annual congregational meeting is this Sunday, February 7, 2021, at approximately 10am following the 8:45am worship service. All confirmed members who have communed and made a contribution of record in the current or previous calendar year are eligible to vote. If you normally attend Saturday night worship but are coming for the meeting on Sunday morning, please plan to arrive by 9:45am.

In the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, congregations are empowered to make many of their own decisions regarding mission and ministry, following a model constitution provided by the national “Churchwide” organization. Two key items on this year’s agenda are the approval of a 2021 budget and election of church council members.

This year’s budget has been prepared by the Stewardship and Administration Committee with input from the other respective committees of the congregation and provides the financial framework by which we plan to operate this year.

Church council serves as the congregation’s “board of directors.” With five spots opening this year, a nominating committee consisting of the Mutual Ministry Committee, outgoing council members, and the senior pastor considered nearly sixty candidates, with a goal of maintaining church council as a balance of genders, as well as newer and long-time members. The nominating committee has proposed a slate of five candidates to fill the open positions in a way that maintains that balance. They are: Noelle Berkey, Ruth Hilde Trondsen Pawlowski, Joan Hunter, Christine Koshute, and Judi Stinebiser.

The annual report as well as bios of the council candidates were made available to members via the weekly newsletter over the past month. If you did not receive these, paper copies are available via the church office.


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